We were delighted to host the St Chad's Asian Women's group at the Apna Heritage Archive. We taxied them in from their community centre and response was good with a small number from around 20 ladies bringing images with them. We were delighted as they brought fantastic images from 1960s-80s perfect for the archive! There was a lot of positive comments as now that most had seen the archive for themselves were better to understand what we at Black Country Visual Arts CIC wanted to achieve for our archive funded by Heritage Lottery Fund. Further to this we had received an invite to go back to the group and talk with the ladies individually to gather even more photos! Special thanks to Mrs Suraksha Asar and Mrs Kanchan Jain leaders of the group for helping arrange the visit to our archive space.
St Chad's Asian Ladies group visit to the Apna Heritage Archive
St Chad's Asian Ladies group learn to browse the archive physically and online.