Its quite hard to articulate the impact that this exhibition has had on the Panjabi community in Wolverhampton. It was only after the first few days visiting the exhibition space after the mad rush and energy in creating and realising it that curiosity drove us to wander in every day for the first week (indeed the whole time the exhibition was on for in my case just to see what the public thought!). There are so many stories but a few pictures here about what I personally as Chair of the organisation experienced at any time I went in. The community have been so thankful about the exhibition in terms of preserving there heritage for future generations to pick upon these themes. Pictures of family held by other members of the community for decades were realise for the first time with tears. Word of mouth about the exhibition spread as its was very well curated and in a beautiful exhibition space at the gallery. Our volunteers witnessed many thankful and praiseworthy comments about the exhibition from all sections and ages from young to old lauding the exhibition and congratulating our volunteers for their work regarding the archive. Indeed primary & secondary schools colleges and university depts all visited with their students across the City and beyond. This lead to an extension of the exhibition for a further two weeks at Wolverhampton Art Gallery to whom we are very thankful! - Anand Chhabra
Visitors from the Panjabi community at various times visit the exhibtion at W-ton Art Gallery