Part of Anand Chhabra’s artist residency at the HIVE was to invite people to be part of a coordinated and co-creative process so the community could work together to create a single work of art . In July Anand set up a portrait studio at the HIVE and then invited the public to be a part of the event by having their photograph taken by the artist, the artwork due to be displayed at the Hive in February 2020. Anand was looking to photograph people with a story or history regarding their move to the City of Worcester. To realise the vision Anand wanted to create some sort of portrait mosaic with a number of faces that would speak about the diversity of the City as well as allowing people to upload their own images and super impose them on to the portrait for an exhibition.
Anand shows portrait image to a participant for the Moving to the city event held at the HIVE Worcester.
Portraits from the day’s event at the HIVE. © Anand Chhabra (Refresh Browser to see full loop of images)
Mapping out which parts of the world the participants were photographed had moved from to Worcester.
Portraits taken were then displayed to encourage people to future events at the HIVE - Arts Council Funded