Peckham 24 : ARCHIVAL SOLIDARITY: BUILDING AND (RE)ACTIVATING ARCHIVES Sunday 12 September 16:30 - 17:30

Peckham 24 is a not-for-profit festival established in 2016 by curator Vivienne Gamble and artist Jo Dennis. With a focus on new talent and experimental artists working with photography. The 2021 programme is created in response to the waves of protest and public demonstration that the world witnessed during the lockdowns of 2020. Exhibitions and live events programmed especially for the festival will give a voice to the urgent global issues of our time. It was great to be invited to a panel with Sunil Shah and Pablo Lerma. This panel brings together a range of perspectives to discuss the role that visual archives can play in building solidarity. Considering archive-making, alongside archival activations and public engagement, the panel spans a range of contexts, from contesting performativities of queerness, to collectively exploring personal and shared histories and identities, to collective memories and documents of Punjabi migration to the city of Wolverhampton. Venue: SUNSET STUDIOS, Studio ONE, Bussey Building