As part of GRAIN photo hubs Masterclasses we then invited to showcase work as a collective group called East Meets West at Derby Quad and eagle Market for FORMAT ‘19. I decided to showcase the SUPNAA : Dreams of our Fathers work for the two venues in Derby. The FORMAT festival has a great pedigree and any Fine Art Documentary Photographer worth their salt will end up trying to exhibit in this national festival of photography to be part of it felt fantastic. There was a large number of people who came along to the festival for the launch event. This is always wonderful to show work to colleagues and exhibit with them as most of the time as a photographer you end up working in solitude.
A picture of the Supnaa Dreams of our Fathers work on the FORMAT festival website. © Anand Chhabra
East Meets West collective work in the FORMAT 19 brochure.
Crowds gather for the first part of the launch at Eagle Market before moving to Derby Quad to view East Meets West exhibit.
Passers by stop to look in prime location at Eagle Market for the East Meets West collective work..
Publication of work printed for the exhibition and available for the public to take away. Inset Anand Chhabra’s work Supnaa : Dreams of our Fathers.
Postcards available for visitors & interested parties with details of individual photographers exhibition as East Meets West collective at Derby.
Further invites to PhotoCafe event in Birmingham to present our work as collective.
Anand Chhabra presents at Photo Cafe to audience at 1000 Trades his work Supnaa Dreams of our Fathers Image © Maryam Wahid.