Finally after 2 years of working very hard with varied multicultural and ethnic minority groups in Worcester Director Anand Chhabra is installing the work as part of his residency at the HIVE in Worcester (ACE funded) entitled ‘Moving to the City’. The work has been co-created with the local community. The final artworks changed from a planned framed series of images to fixate on the wall to having huge boards 6x4 foot from the portraits and then superimposing the images that the community produced (3600 images used). Thinking about the use of the large exhibition space led to the change and a stronger and unique development that the artist was excited by and will work well in attracting a larger and more present audience so more locals can be impacted by it. This will help HIVE’s understanding of giving the artist the time & autonomy needed to develop the way they work. Feedback from visitors in the visitors book and at the forthcoming celebration event will also record and find out people’s views and ideas for developing work like this in future.
Final touches for the installation of exhibtion ‘Moving to the City’ artwork and curation by Anand Chhabra/Arts Council England funded
Close up view of work created by community groups and superimposed on the portraits created by © Anand Chhabra/Arts Council England Funded