‘Moving to the City’ has been a fantastic & enjoyable project to work for our Director Anand Chhabra. This project was commissioned by WAAS & funded by Arts Council England, Anand worked with various ethnic community groups in Worcester during 2018-19 co-creating work them for exhibition in Feb 2020. The work which comprised of various mosaic images & portraits (x4) 6ft x 4 ft portrait sculptures were then exhibited at The HIVE in Worcester where he held his residency during this time. The launch event was a great time celebrating the project with participants and colleagues from HIVe as well as arts organisations from the region. Special thanks to HIVE & WAAS colleagues in ensuring a great space for visitors to enjoy this work. Many positive words written about the artwork on the visitors book.
Participants and the regions artists and leaders came to here the talk about Anand Chhabra’s residency at the HIVE and supported by WAAS and Arts Council England.
The event was officially opened by the City’s Mayor Allah Ditta on Feb 7th 2020. Over 13000 visitors saw the exhibition at the fantastic venue The HIVE in Worcester during the month.